The Rainbow Project is focused on providing education and awareness about queer identities and experiences.

The LGBTQIAP+ community includes everyone who does not identify as heterosexual or cisgender.

Everyone is valid
The + in LGBTQ+ is for the endless sexual orientations and gender identities, all of them are real and valid,
because even in the queer community we should make sure everyone is accepted.
On this page, you can find information about different LGBTQ+ identities, how to be a good ally, and more!
This website is still in progress, and new information is being added regularly.
Understand what it means to be queer!
Learn about the different flags, sexualities, genders, pronouns, terms, and how to be conscious about how you act.
Support the fight for queer rights!
Learn about the current problems of today and how you can fight them!
New elements and sections are in progress.